Welcome to www.subconsciousascension.com
Dear Visitor
Welcome to Subconscious Ascension Pty Ltd's second Newsletter.
Apologies to those of you who had an issue with the instructions to become a member of Subconscious Ascension's website. There appears to have been a slight hiccup with the mailing system, which affected a few of the December Newsletter emails, and we think this has now been corrected. If you wish to take advantage of future member offers and/or enable quicker/easier bookings, please register as a member.
December Newsletter recipients should have received a User ID and Password (please contact us if you did not receive these). Since the password is generic, you will be asked to change it when you first log in to the website. Firstly, log in via "Login" at the top right of the Subconscious Ascension website home page. You can then change your User ID and Password to something more appropriate, by going to your profile and editing it. To do this, click on "Register" at the top right of the screen (keep the "Login" area open), and then "Edit Profile", which will enable you to change various fields. (Note: You must be logged in via "Login" prior to editing your profile in the "Register" area.)
If you are a new Newsletter recipient and wish to register as a member of the website, click on "Register" to register your name (first/last name) and choose your own Username and Password.
At this point in time, we are proposing to email a Newsletter once every 1-3 months (depending on items of interest for recipients).
If you would prefer not to be on the mailing list, please click on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of this Newsletter, and you shall not hear from us again.
If you would like to continue receiving the Newsletter, but not be a member of the Subconscious Ascension website, please let us know, by using the Contact Us Form.
Subconscious Ascension Pty Ltd wishes you all the very best for a happy, healthy, prosperous and abundant New Year.
In numerology, 2016 is a '9' year, and 9 is a magical number. Nine has global consciousness, and offers love and caring to the world at large. Nine understands the connections between all of mankind (we are part of 'All That Is'), has humanitarian energy, is non-judgemental, tolerant and the most conscious of all the numbers. It is also a number of 'endings' and 'new beginnings'.
So... here's to a wonderful year ahead.
The Free Healing session, which is energetically sent on the 17th day of each month, had a fantastic response during January. Thank you to all who registered, as, by participating, you raise your own level of consciousness and assist in raising the vibrational frequency for everyone on the planet. Well done!
If you were one of the recipients of the Free Healing, we trust that you received the positive changes that you were hoping for.
Take advantage of 1-2 hours (sometimes longer) of Free Healing being energetically sent to you - at no cost at all to you. All you have to do is register your name for the Free Healing. Book every month if you wish. As long as you register/book by midnight on the 16th day of each month, you will be energetically sent the Free Healing session on the 17th day of the month.
It is worth taking the time to become aware of your thoughts, and to start changing negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Positive thoughts generate positive feelings, which, in turn, attract positive life experiences.
Richard Branson has created a hugely successful business with all his 'Virgin' companies, and you can read his top 10 quotes on positivity here.
Take advantage of some of the free handouts on the Subconscious Ascension website, to assist you to transform negative thoughts/beliefs that may be holding you back from your highest potential. We recommend 'Change Your Belief Patterns' and 'Emotional Freedom Technique' to start transforming negative beliefs. Click here to view the Wellbeing Techniques area.
If you can't attend one of the Subconscious Ascension sessions (or an EsotErica workshop) advertised in the Events Calendar, and/or you'd prefer not to take advantage of the energetically sent sessions or downloadable eCourses, consider registering your interest for an event to be held in your town/city.
It is easy to register and, if enough interest is shown at a particular location, we will travel to conduct sessions in that area.
There is still time to take advantage of the half-price website launching special on the very powerful 'Positive Body Image' (PBI) MP3 Download, reduced from $50 to $25, only until 29th February 2016. You can view the PBI MP3 Download here.
Also, available only for the energetically sent 'Awaken Your Soul' session on 21st February 2016 (bookings by 20th February), a very powerful session to raise your level of consciousness, so you may attract positive changes in your life. You can view the Energetically Sent session healing information here.
Orgone Effects Australia (OEA) has developed an Ionic Wand, an energy balancing tool designed to clear imbalances in the Aura and Chakras, can be used on people and animals, and energizes liquids and food.
The Ionic Wand is made from acrylic rod that has been treated with OEA's unique Ionic Infusion technology to speed up the energy balancing process.
Check out the Ionic Wand here.
Check out other products from Orgone Effects Australia here.
Many years ago, I read a book written by an American Doctor (Bernie Siegel MD). He had a 75% success rate with curing terminally-ill cancer patients (and other so-called incurable diseases) by using two things - (1) high doses of pure Vitamin C; and (2) Laughter.
They say that everything we need to heal is within us. So, with the power of positive thinking, a good sense of humour, feeding your soul with unconditional love and your body with good nutrition, who knows what you can achieve. Makes you think, doesn't it?