Downloadable Audio/MP3 Products
Downloadable products are intended to raise your level of consciousness (your conscious awareness and energy field vibration) and assist with personal healing of your body/mind, transform limiting beliefs, and promote inner peace.
Downloadable Audio/MP3 products are intended to provide healing whilst you sleep, transform limiting belief patterns that no longer benefit you, and empower you to make positive changes in your body and your life.
Positive Body Image - MP3 Download
The Positive Body Image recording stimulates the power of your mind to create positive changes in your body and your life, and encourages you to love and accept yourself exactly as you are.
AUD $50.00
I AM - MP3 Download
The I AM recording includes powerful affirmations around the issues of health, wealth, happiness, love, success, balance, worthiness, and more, and you are encouraged to acknowledge and accept that all the answers are within you.
AUD $1.00
Just BE - MP3 Download
The Just BE recording encourages you to be comfortable with who you really are, and all that you are, acknowledge the wisdom obtained through all your experiences, release past memories that no longer benefit you, and focus on being in the now moment.
AUD $1.00
You Can Relax Now - MP3 Download
The You Can Relax Now recording encourages you to feel at peace with yourself and your life, embrace challenges with ease, and feel the freedom and joy of remembering who you really are.
AUD $1.00
Wouldn't It Be Nice - MP3 Download
The Wouldn’t It Be Nice recording encourages you to imagine how it would feel to manifest positive changes by surrendering to your inner wisdom, and opening up to the abundance of possibilities available to you.
AUD $1.00